RedwoodJS ❤️ #Hacktoberfest



# Command Line Interface

The following is a comprehensive reference of the Redwood CLI. You can get a glimpse of all the commands by scrolling the aside to the right.

The Redwood CLI has two entry-point commands:

  1. redwood (alias rw), which is for developing an application, and
  2. redwood-tools (alias rwt), which is for contributing to the framework.

This document covers the redwood command . For redwood-tools, see Contributing in the Redwood repo.

A Quick Note on Syntax

We use yargs and borrow its syntax here:

yarn rw generate page <name> [path] --option

  • rw g page is the command.
  • <name> and [path] are positional arguments.
    • <> denotes a required argument.
    • [] denotes an optional argument.
  • --option is an option.

Every argument and option has a type. Here <name> and [path] are strings and --option is a boolean.

You'll also sometimes see arguments with trailing .. like:

yarn rw build [side..]

The .. operator indicates that the argument accepts an array of values. See Variadic Positional Arguments.

# build

Build for production.

yarn rw build [side..]

We use Babel to transpile the api side into ./api/dist and Webpack to package the web side into ./web/dist.

Arguments & Options Description
side Which side(s) to build. Choices are api and web. Defaults to api and web
--stats Use Webpack Bundle Analyzer to visualize the size of Webpack output files via an interactive zoomable treemap
--verbose, -v Print more information while building


See Builds.


Running yarn rw build without any arguments generates the Prisma client and builds both sides of your project:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw build
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw build
  ✔ Generating the Prisma client...
  ✔ Building "api"...
  ✔ Building "web"...
Done in 17.37s.

Files are output to each side's dist directory:

├── api
│   ├── dist│   ├── prisma
│   └── src
└── web
    ├── dist    ├── public
    └── src

# check (alias diagnostics)

Get structural diagnostics for a Redwood project (experimental).

yarn rw check


~/redwood-app$ yarn rw check
yarn run v1.22.4
web/src/Routes.js:14:5: error: You must specify a 'notfound' page
web/src/Routes.js:14:19: error: Duplicate Path
web/src/Routes.js:15:19: error: Duplicate Path
web/src/Routes.js:17:40: error: Page component not found
web/src/Routes.js:17:19: error (INVALID_ROUTE_PATH_SYNTAX): Error: Route path contains duplicate parameter: "/{id}/{id}"

# dataMigrate

Data migration tools.

yarn rw dataMigrate <command>

Command Description
install Appends DataMigration model to schema.prisma, creates api/prisma/dataMigrations directory
up Executes oustanding data migrations

# install

  • Appends a DataMigration model to schema.prisma for tracking which data migrations have already run.
  • Creates a DB migration using yarn rw db save 'create data migrations.
  • Creates api/prisma/dataMigrations directory to contain data migration scripts
yarn rw dataMigrate install

# up

Executes outstanding data migrations against the database. Compares the list of files in api/prisma/dataMigrations to the records in the DataMigration table in the database and executes any files not present.

If an error occurs during script execution, any remaining scripts are skipped and console output will let you know the error and how many subsequent scripts were skipped.

yarn rw dataMigrate up

# db

Database tools.

yarn rw db <command>

Command Description
down [decrement] Migrate your database down
generate Generate the Prisma client
introspect Introspect your database and generate models in ./api/prisma/schema.prisma, overwriting existing models
save [name..] Create a new migration
seed Seed your database with test data
studio Start Prisma Studio
up [increment] Generate the Prisma client and apply migrations

# down

Migrate your database down.

WARNING: Prisma's migration functionality is currently experimental.

yarn rw db down [decrement]

Argument Description
decrement Number of backwards migrations to apply. Defaults to 1


Given the following migrations,

├── 20200518160457-create-users  <-- desired├── 20200518160621-add-profiles
├── 20200518160811-add-posts     <-- current└── migrate.lock

we could get to 20200518160457-create-users by running:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw db down 2

# generate

Generate the Prisma client.

yarn rw db generate

The Prisma client is auto-generated and tailored to your schema.prisma. This means that yarn rw db generate needs to be run after every change to your schema.prisma for your Prisma client to be up to date. But you usually won't have to do this manually as other Redwood commands run this behind the scenes.

# introspect

Introspect your database and generate models in ./api/prisma/schema.prisma, overwriting existing models.

yarn rw db introspect

# save

Create a new migration.

WARNING: Prisma's migration functionality is currently experimental.

yarn rw db save [name..]

A migration defines the steps necessary to update your current schema.

Argument Description
name Name of the migration

Running yarn rw db save generates the following directories and files as necessary:

├── 20200516162516-create-users
│   ├──
│   ├── schema.prisma
│   └── steps.json
└── migrate.lock

  • migrations: A directory to store migrations.
  • migrations/<migration>: A directory for a specific migration. The name (<migration>) is composed of a timestamp of when it was created and the name given during yarn rw db save.
  • migrations/<migration>/ A human-readable description of the migration, including metadata like when the migration was created and by who, a list of the actual migration changes, and a diff of the changes made to schema.prisma.
  • migrations/<migration>/schema.prisma: The schema that will be created if the migration is applied.
  • migrations/<migration>/steps.json: An alternate representation of the migration steps that will be applied.
  • migrate.lock: A lock file specifying the current migration.

# seed

Seed your database with test data.

yarn rw db seed

Runs seed.js in ./api/prisma. seed.js instantiates the Prisma client and provides an async main function where you can put any seed data—data that needs to exist for your app to run. See the example blog's seed.js file.

# studio

Start Prisma Studio, a visual editor for your database.

WARNING: Prisma Studio is currently experimental.

yarn rw db studio

# up

Generate the Prisma client and apply migrations.

WARNING: Prisma's migration functionality is currently experimental.

yarn rw db up [increment]

Arguments & Options Description
increment Number of forward migrations to apply. Defaults to the latest
--autoApprove Skip interactive approval before migrating
--dbClient Generate the Prisma client
--verbose Print more


Given the following migrations

├── 20200518160457-create-users  <-- current├── 20200518160621-add-profiles
├── 20200518160811-add-posts     <-- desired└── migrate.lock

we could get to 20200518160811-add-posts by running:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw db up 2

# dev

Start development servers for api and web.

yarn redwood dev [side..]

yarn rw dev api starts the Redwood dev server and yarn rw dev web starts the Webpack dev server with Redwood's config.

Argument Description
side Which dev server(s) to start. Choices are api and web. Defaults to api and web
--forward, --fwd String of one or more Webpack DevServer config options. See example usage below.


If you're only working on your sdl and services, you can run just the api server to get GraphQL Playground on port 8911:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw dev api
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw dev api
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/dev-server
15:04:51 api | Listening on http://localhost:8911
15:04:51 api | Watching /home/dominic/projects/redwood/redwood-app/api
15:04:51 api |
15:04:51 api | Now serving
15:04:51 api |
15:04:51 api | ► http://localhost:8911/graphql/

Using --forward (alias --fwd), you can pass one or more Webpack DevServer config options. The following will run the dev server, set the port to 1234, and disable automatic browser opening.

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw dev --fwd="--port=1234 --open=false"

# deploy

Deploy your redwood project.

yarn rw deploy <command>

Command Description
api <provider> Deploy the API using the selected provider

# destroy (alias d)

Rollback changes made by the generate command.

yarn rw d <type>

Command Description
cell <name> Destroy a cell component
component <name> Destroy a component
function <name> Destroy a Function
layout <name> Destroy a layout component
page <name> [path] Destroy a page and route component
scaffold <model> Destroy pages, SDL, and Services files based on a given DB schema Model
sdl <model> Destroy a GraphQL schema and service component based on a given DB schema Model
service <name> Destroy a service component

# generate (alias g)

Save time by generating boilerplate code.

yarn rw generate <type>

Some generators require that their argument be a model in your schema.prisma. When they do, their argument is named <model>.

Command Description
auth <provider> Generate an auth configuration
cell <name> Generate a cell component
component <name> Generate a component component
dataMigration <name> Generate a data migration component
deploy <provider> Generate a deployment configuration
function <name> Generate a Function
layout <name> Generate a layout component
page <name> [path] Generate a page component
scaffold <model> Generate Pages, SDL, and Services files based on a given DB schema Model. Also accepts <path/model>
sdl <model> Generate a GraphQL schema and service object
service <name> Generate a service component
util <util> Quality of life utilities

Undoing a Generator with a Destroyer

Most generate commands (i.e., everything but yarn rw generate auth and yarn rw generate dataMigration) can be undone by their corresponding destroy command. For example, yarn rw generate cell can be undone with yarn rw d cell.

# auth

Generate an auth configuration.

yarn rw generate auth <provider>

You can get authentication out-of-the-box with generators. Right now we support Auth0, Firebase, GoTrue, Magic, and Netlify.

Arguments & Options Description
provider Auth provider to configure. Choices are auth0, firebase, goTrue, magicLink and netlify
--force, -f Overwrite existing files


See Authentication.

# cell

Generate a cell component.

yarn rw generate cell <name>

Cells are signature to Redwood. We think they provide a simpler and more declarative approach to data fetching.

Arguments & Options Description
name Name of the cell
--force, -f Overwrite existing files
--javascript, --js Generate JavaScript files
--typescript, --ts Generate TypeScript files


See the Cells section of the Tutorial.


yarn rw d cell <name>


Generating a user cell:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate cell user
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g cell user
  ✔ Generating cell files...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/UserCell/UserCell.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/UserCell/UserCell.js`...
Done in 1.00s.

A cell defines and exports four constants: QUERY, Loading, Empty, Failure, and Success:

// ./web/src/components/UserCell/UserCell.js

export const QUERY = gql`
  query {
    user {

export const Loading = () => <div>Loading...</div>

export const Empty = () => <div>Empty</div>

export const Failure = ({ error }) => <div>Error: {error.message}</div>

export const Success = ({ user }) => {
  return JSON.stringify(user)

# component

Generate a component.

yarn rw generate component <name>

Redwood loves function components and makes extensive use of React Hooks, which are only enabled in function components.

Arguments & Options Description
name Name of the component
--force, -f Overwrite existing files
--javascript, --js Generate JavaScript files
--typescript, --ts Generate TypeScript files


yarn rw d component <name>


Generating a user component:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate component user
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g component user
  ✔ Generating component files...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/User/User.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/User/User.js`...
Done in 1.02s.

The component will export some jsx telling you where to find it.

// ./web/src/components/User/User.js

const User = () => {
  return (
      <p>{'Find me in ./web/src/components/User/User.js'}</p>

export default User

# dataMigration

Generate a data migration script.

yarn rw generate dataMigration <name>

Creates a data migration script in api/prisma/dataMigrations.

Arguments & Options Description
name Name of the data migration, prefixed with a timestamp at generation time


See the Data Migration docs.

# deploy (config)

Generate a deployment configuration.

yarn rw generate deploy <provider>

Creates provider-specific code and configuration for deployment

Arguments & Options Description
provider Deploy provider to configure. Choices are netlify, vercel, or aws_serverless
--force, -f Overwrite existing configuration


See the Deploy docs.

# function

Generate a Function.

yarn rw generate function <name>

Not to be confused with Javascript functions, Capital-F Functions are meant to be deployed to serverless endpoints like AWS Lambda.

Arguments & Options Description
name Name of the function
--force, -f Overwrite existing files


See the Custom Function recipe.


yarn rw d function <name>


Generating a user function:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate function user
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g function user
  ✔ Generating function files...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/functions/user.js`...
Done in 16.04s.

Functions get passed context which provides access to things like the current user:

// ./api/src/functions/user.js

export const handler = async (event, context) => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: `user function`,

Now if we run yarn rw dev api:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw dev api
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw dev api
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/dev-server
17:21:49 api | Listening on http://localhost:8911
17:21:49 api | Watching /home/dominic/projects/redwood/redwood-app/api
17:21:49 api |
17:21:49 api | Now serving
17:21:49 api |
17:21:49 api | ► http://localhost:8911/graphql/
17:21:49 api | ► http://localhost:8911/user/

# layout

Generate a layout component.

yarn rw generate layout <name>

Layouts wrap pages and help you stay DRY.

Arguments & Options Description
name Name of the layout
--force, -f Overwrite existing files
--javascript, --js Generate JavaScript files
--typescript, --ts Generate TypeScript files


See the Layouts section of the tutorial.


yarn rw d layout <name>


Generating a user layout:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate layout user
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g layout user
  ✔ Generating layout files...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/layouts/UserLayout/UserLayout.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/layouts/UserLayout/UserLayout.js`...
Done in 1.00s.

A layout will just export it's children:

// ./web/src/layouts/UserLayout/UserLayout.test.js

const UserLayout = ({ children }) => {
  return <>{children}</>

export default UserLayout

# page

Generates a page component and updates the routes.

yarn rw generate page <name> [path]

path can include a route parameter which will be passed to the generated page. The syntax for that is /path/to/page/{routeParam}/more/path. You can also specify the type of the route parameter if needed: {routeParam:Int}. If path isn't specified, or if it's just a route parameter, it will be derived from name and the route parameter, if specified, will be added to the end.

This also updates Routes.js in ./web/src.

Arguments & Options Description
name Name of the page
path URL path to the page. Defaults to name
--force, -f Overwrite existing files


yarn rw d page <name> [path]


Generating a home page:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate page home /
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g page home /
  ✔ Generating page files...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.js`...
  ✔ Updating routes file...
Done in 1.02s.

The page returns jsx telling you where to find it:

// ./web/src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.js

const HomePage = () => {
  return (
      <p>Find me in ./web/src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.js</p>

export default HomePage

And the route is added to Routes.js:

// ./web/src/Routes.js

const Routes = () => {
  return (
      <Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />      <Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />

Generating a page to show quotes:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate page quote {id}
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g page quote {id}
  ✔ Generating page files...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/QuotePage/QuotePage.stories.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/QuotePage/QuotePage.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/QuotePage/QuotePage.js`...
  ✔ Updating routes file...
Done in 1.02s.

The generated page will get the route parameter as a prop:

// ./web/src/pages/QuotePage/QuotePage.js

import { Link, routes } from '@redwoodjs/router'

const QuotePage = ({ id }) => {  return (
      <p>Find me in "./web/src/pages/QuotePage/QuotePage.js"</p>
        My default route is named "quote", link to me with `
        <Link to={routes.quote({ id: 42 })}>Quote 42</Link>`      </p>
      <p>The parameter passed to me is {id}</p>    </>

export default QuotePage

And the route is added to Routes.js, with the route parameter added:

// ./web/src/Routes.js

const Routes = () => {
  return (
      <Route path="/quote/{id}" page={QuotePage} name="quote" />      <Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />

# scaffold

Generate Pages, SDL, and Services files based on a given DB schema Model. Also accepts <path/model>.

yarn rw generate scaffold <model>

A scaffold quickly creates a CRUD for a model by generating the following files and corresponding routes:

  • sdl
  • service
  • layout
  • pages
  • cells
  • components

The content of the generated components is different from what you'd get by running them individually.

Arguments & Options Description
model Model to scaffold. You can also use <path/model> to nest files by type at the given path directory (or directories). For example, rw g scaffold admin/post
--force, -f Overwrite existing files
--javascript, --js Generate JavaScript files
--typescript, --ts Generate TypeScript files


See Creating a Post Editor.

You can namespace your scaffolds by providing <path/model>. The layout, pages, cells, and components will be nested in newly created dir(s). For example, given a model user, running yarn rw generate scaffold admin/user will nest the layouts, pages, and components in a newly created admin directory:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate scaffold admin/user
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g scaffold admin/user
  ✔ Generating scaffold files...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/graphql/users.sdl.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/services/users/users.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/services/users/users.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/scaffold.css`...
    ✔ Writing `./web/src/layouts/Admin/UsersLayout/UsersLayout.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/Admin/EditUserPage/EditUserPage.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/Admin/UserPage/UserPage.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/Admin/UsersPage/UsersPage.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/pages/Admin/NewUserPage/NewUserPage.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/Admin/EditUserCell/EditUserCell.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/Admin/User/User.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/Admin/UserCell/UserCell.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/Admin/UserForm/UserForm.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/Admin/Users/Users.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/Admin/UsersCell/UsersCell.js`...    ✔ Writing `./web/src/components/Admin/NewUser/NewUser.js`...  ✔ Adding scaffold routes...
  ✔ Adding scaffold asset imports...
Done in 1.21s.

The routes will be nested too:

// ./web/src/Routes.js

const Routes = () => {
  return (
      <Route path="/admin/users/new" page={AdminNewUserPage} name="adminNewUser" />      <Route path="/admin/users/{id:Int}/edit" page={AdminEditUserPage} name="adminEditUser" />      <Route path="/admin/users/{id:Int}" page={AdminUserPage} name="adminUser" />      <Route path="/admin/users" page={AdminUsersPage} name="adminUsers" />      <Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />


yarn rw d scaffold <model>

# sdl

Generate a GraphQL schema and service object.

yarn rw generate sdl <model>

The sdl will inspect your schema.prisma and will do its best with relations. Schema to generators isn't one-to-one yet (and might never be).

Arguments & Options Description
model Model to generate the sdl for
--crud Also generate mutations
--force, -f Overwrite existing files
--javascript, --js Generate JavaScript files
--typescript, --ts Generate TypeScript files


yarn rw d sdl <model>


Generating a user sdl:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate sdl user
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g sdl user
  ✔ Generating SDL files...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/graphql/users.sdl.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/services/users/users.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/services/users/users.js`...
Done in 1.04s.

The generated sdl defines a corresponding type, query, and create/update inputs, without defining any mutations. To also get mutations, add the --crud option.

// ./api/src/graphql/users.sdl.js

export const schema = gql`
  type User {
    id: Int!
    email: String!
    name: String

  type Query {
    users: [User!]!

  input CreateUserInput {
    email: String!
    name: String

  input UpdateUserInput {
    email: String
    name: String

The services file fulfills the query. If the --crud option is added, this file will be much more complex.

// ./api/src/services/users/users.js

import { db } from 'src/lib/db'

export const users = () => {
  return db.user.findMany()

For a model with a relation, the field will be listed in the sdl:

// ./api/src/graphql/users.sdl.js

export const schema = gql`
  type User {
    id: Int!
    email: String!
    name: String
    profile: Profile  }

  type Query {
    users: [User!]!

  input CreateUserInput {
    email: String!
    name: String

  input UpdateUserInput {
    email: String
    name: String

And the service will export an object with the relation as a property:

// ./api/src/services/users/users.js

import { db } from 'src/lib/db'

export const users = () => {
  return db.user.findMany()

export const User = {  profile: (_obj, { root }) => {    db.user.findOne({ where: { id: } }).profile(),  }}

# service

Generate a service component.

yarn rw generate service <name>

Services are where Redwood puts its business logic. They can be used by your GraphQL API or any other place in your backend code. See How Redwood Works with Data.

Arguments & Options Description
name Name of the service
--force, -f Overwrite existing files
--javascript, --js Generate JavaScript files
--typescript, --ts Generate TypeScript files


yarn rw d service <name>


Generating a user service:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw generate service user
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw g service user
  ✔ Generating service files...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/services/users/users.test.js`...
    ✔ Writing `./api/src/services/users/users.js`...
Done in 1.02s.

The generated service component will export a findMany query:

// ./api/src/services/users/users.js

import { db } from 'src/lib/db'

export const users = () => {
  return db.user.findMany()

# util

This command has been deprecated. See Setup command.

# info

Print your system environment information.

yarn rw info

This command's primarily intended for getting information others might need to know to help you debug:

~/redwood-app$ yarn rw info
yarn run v1.22.4
$ /redwood-app/node_modules/.bin/rw info

    OS: Linux 5.4 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
    Shell: 5.0.16 - /usr/bin/bash
    Node: 13.12.0 - /tmp/yarn--1589998865777-0.9683603763419713/node
    Yarn: 1.22.4 - /tmp/yarn--1589998865777-0.9683603763419713/yarn
    Chrome: 78.0.3904.108
    Firefox: 76.0.1
    @redwoodjs/core: ^0.7.0-rc.3 => 0.7.0-rc.3

Done in 1.98s.

# lint

Lint your files.

yarn rw lint

Our ESLint configuration is a mix of ESLint's recommended rules, React's recommended rules, and a bit of our own stylistic flair:

  • no semicolons
  • comma dangle when multiline
  • single quotes
  • always use parenthesis around arrow functions
  • enforced import sorting

Option Description
--fix Try to fix errors

# open

Open your project in your browser.

yarn rw open

# redwood-tools (alias rwt)

Redwood's companion CLI development tool. You'll be using this if you're contributing to Redwood. See Contributing in the Redwood repo.

# setup

Initialize project config and install packages

yarn rw setup <command>

Commands Description
i18n Setup i18n
tailwind Setup tailwindcss and PostCSS
webpack Setup webpack in your project so you can add custom config

# test

Run Jest tests for api and web.

yarn rw test [side..]

Arguments & Options Description
side Which side(s) to test. Choices are api, web. Defaults to "watch mode"
--help Show help
--version Show version number
--watch Run tests related to changed files based on hg/git (uncommitted files). Specify the name or path to a file to focus on a specific set of tests
--watchAll Run all tests
--collectCoverage Show test coverage summary and output info to coverage directory in project root. See this directory for an .html coverage report
--clearCache Delete the Jest cache directory and exit without running tests

# upgrade

Upgrade all @redwoodjs packages via an interactive CLI.

yarn rw upgrade

This command does all the heavy-lifting of upgrading to a new release for you.

Besides upgrading to a new stable release, you can use this command to upgrade to either of our unstable releases, canary and rc, or you can upgrade to a specific release version.

A canary release is published to npm every time a PR is merged to the main branch, and when we're getting close to a new release, we publish release candidates.

Option Description
--dry-run, -d Check for outdated packages without upgrading
--tag, -t Choices are "canary", "rc", or a specific version (e.g. "0.19.3"). WARNING: Unstable releases in the case of "canary" and "rc", which will force upgrade packages to the most recent release of the specified tag.


Upgrade to the most recent canary:

yarn redwood upgrade -t canary

Upgrade to a specific version:

yarn redwood upgrade -t 0.19.3