RedwoodJS ❤️ #Hacktoberfest



# App Configuration: redwood.toml

You can configure your Redwood app's settings in redwood.toml. By default, redwood.toml lists the following configuration options:

  port = 8910
  apiProxyPath = "/.netlify/functions"
  port = 8911
  open = true

These are listed by default because they're the ones that you're most likely to configure. But there are plenty more available. The rest are spread between Redwood's webpack configuration files and @redwoodjs/internal's config.ts:

// redwood/packages/internal/src/config.ts

const DEFAULT_CONFIG: Config = {
  web: {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 8910,
    path: './web',
    target: TargetEnum.BROWSER,
    apiProxyPath: '/.netlify/functions',
  api: {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 8911,
    path: './api',
    target: TargetEnum.NODE,
  browser: {
    open: true,

The options and their structure are based on Redwood's notion of sides and targets. Right now, Redwood has two fixed sides, api and web, that target NodeJS Lambdas and Browsers respectively. In the future, we'll add support for more sides and targets, like Electron and React Native (you can already see them listed as enums in TargetEnum), and as we do, you'll see them reflected in redwood.toml. But right now, you'll most likely never touch options like target.

The idea is that, in the future, changes here will have cascading, "app-level" effects. Using generators as an example, based on your side and target, the generators will behave differently, but appropriately different.

For the difference between a side and a target, see Redwood File Structure.

You can think of redwood.toml as a convenience layer over Redwood's webpack configuration files. That is, for certain settings, instead of having to deal with webpack directly, we give you quick access via redwood.toml. Some of these settings are for development, some are for production, and some are for both. You can actually see this reflected in which webpack file each configuraiton option is referenced in—webpack.development.js, webpack.production.js, and webpack.common.js.

redwood.toml also serves a slightly larger purpose: it's used to determine the base directory of a Redwood project. So this file is what really makes a Redwood app a Redwood app. If you remove it and run yarn rw dev, you'll get an error:

Error: Could not find a "redwood.toml" file, are you sure you're in a Redwood project?

(So don't do that!)

# [web]

Configuration for the web side.

Key Description Default Context
host Hostname to listen on 'localhost' development
port Port to listen on 8910 development
path Path to the web side './web' both
target Target for the web side TargetEnum.BROWSER both
apiProxyPath Proxy path to the api side '/.netlify/functions' production
includeEnvironmentVariables Environment variables to whitelist both

# apiProxyPath

  apiProxyPath = "/.netlify/functions"

The path to the serverless functions. When you're running your app locally, this gets aliased away (you can see exactly how in webpack.common.js (and here's the docs on Webpack's devServer.proxy, for good measure)).

Since Redwood plays nicely with Netlify, we use the same proxy path by default. If you're deploying elsewhere, you'll want to change this.

# includeEnvironmentVariables

  includeEnvironmentVariables = ['API_KEY']

Where API_KEY is defined in .env or .env.defaults:


includeEnvironmentVariables is the set of environment variables to whitelist for the web side. You can also prefix environment variables with REDWOOD_ENV_ (see Environment Variables).

# [api]

Configuration for the api side.

Key Description Default Context
host Hostname to listen on 'localhost' development
port Port to listen on 8911 development
path Path to the api side './api' both
target Target for the api side TargetEnum.NODE both

# [browser]

Configuration for the browser target.

Key Description Default Context
open Open the browser to web's host:port after the dev server starts false development

# open

  open = true

Setting open to true like this will open the browser to web's host:port (by default, localhost:8910) after the dev server starts. If you want your browser to stop opening when you yarn rw dev, set this to false. Or just remove it entirely.

You can also provide the name of a browser to use instead of the system default. E.g., open = 'Firefox' will open Firefox regardless of which browser's the default on your system.

There's a lot more you can do here. For all the details, see Webpack's docs on

# Running within a Container or VM

To run a Redwood app within a container or VM, you'll want to set both the web and api's host to to allow network connections to and from the host:

  host = ''
  host = ''