RedwoodJS ❤️ #Hacktoberfest



# Local Postgres Setup

RedwoodJS uses a SQLite database by default. While SQLite makes local development easy, you're likely going to want to run the same database setup you use on production. Here's how to set up Postgres.

# Install Postgres

Ensure you have Postgres installed and running on your machine. If you're on a Mac, we recommend Homebrew:

brew install postgres

Follow the instructions provided. If you're using another platform, See

# Create Postgresql User

A default PostgresSQL installation always includes the postgres superuser. Initially, you must connect to PostgreSQL as the postgres user until you create other users (which are also referred to as roles).

To create new roles, follow this.

# Update the Prisma Schema

Tell Prisma to use a Postgres database instead of SQLite by updating the provider attribute in your schema.prisma file:

// prisma/schema.prisma
datasource DS {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url = env("DATABASE_URL")

# Connect to Postgres

Add a DATABASE_URL to your .env file with the URL of the database you'd like to use locally. The following example uses redwoodblog_dev for the database. It also has postgres setup as a superuser for ease of use.


Note the connection_limit parameter. This is recommended by Prisma when working with relational databases in a Serverless context. You should also append this parameter to your production DATABASE_URL when configuring your deployments.

Note: local postgres server will need manual start/stop -- this is not handled automatically by RW CLI in a manner similar to sqlite

# Base URL and path

Here is an example of the structure of the base URL and the path using placeholder values in uppercase letters:


The following components make up the base URL of your database, they are always required:

Name Placeholder Description
Host HOST IP address/domain of your database server, e.g. localhost
Port PORT Port on which your database server is running, e.g. 5432
User USER Name of your database user, e.g. postgres
Password PASSWORD password of your database user
Database DATABASE Name of the database you want to use, e.g. redwoodblog_dev

# Migrations

If you've already created migrations using SQLite, you just need to run migrations again:

yarn rw db up

If you haven't created migrations yet, use save:

yarn rw db save

Both commands will create and migrate the Postgres database you specified in your .env.

Here are our recommendations in case you need a tool to manage your databases: